Even before federal sanctions on Russian oil, the price of gasoline was already creeping upward. Now, it’s not uncommon to see prices listed at well over $4 per gallon…and experts […]
3 Practical Lessons from the GameStop Incident
Even if you don’t pay much attention to financial news, you’ve likely heard about the wild ride we had last week with GameStop stocks. Media as diverse as Twitter, CNBC, […]
Adapting an Emergency Savings Mindset (5 Strategies)
By now, you’ve probably heard that Americans, as a whole, are abysmal at keeping up an emergency savings account. The vast majority of people cannot scrape together four hundred dollars for […]
Are You Considering an Additional Source of Income?
Sometimes it’s nice to line your pockets with a little extra play money. Or maybe, you just want to put more towards your savings. Either way, you might consider […]
Your Stress-Free Finance Plan (Have your latte and savings, too!)
Tax season is upon us, which serves as a great time to do an annual review of our financial stability. Most financial experts agree that an annual review is […]
One More (Surprising) Reason to Practice Long Term Investing
If you’d read some of my past posts, it’s no mystery that I’m a proponent of long-term investing. I believe the adage “Good things come to those who wait” is […]
The benefits (some financial!) of being a good neighbor
How well do you know your neighbors? Today, it’s easy to stay tucked inside the walls of your home and not bother to venture out and get to know the people […]
Signs of HOPE in an Uncertain Financial Market
If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you’ve been hearing all kinds of doom and gloom predictions about the national and global economy. The global economy is slowing, we’re […]
3 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Saving Money!
For many people, saving money is a mental game. We may claim we don’t have any extra to sock away each month, and yet we spend money on all kinds […]
When a relationship lacks financial transparency…
I recently heard a statistic that 20% of all committed couples hide finances from each other. That means one person out of every five has a secret bank account, credit card, […]