How well do you know your neighbors?

Today, it’s easy to stay tucked inside the walls of your home and not bother to venture out and get to know the people next door. With so many to-the-door delivery services, it’s almost easier to order a bag of sugar from Target than knock on your neighbor’s door to borrow a cup!

It’s too bad this is the case, because it’s a good idea to get to know your neighbors for many reasons. Trusted neighbors can look out for each other, help keep the neighborhood safe and quiet, and perhaps water the plants if someone is on vacation.

In addition to the peace-of-mind and security you get from knowing your neighbors, you might also enjoy the added bonus of a few financial benefits. Though that might seem strange, in reality, neighbors have been helping each other save a few bucks for centuries.

For one, you might share large, rarely-used items with each other. Instead of buying special landscaping tools, kitchen appliances, or power tools, you could borrow them from a neighbor (and return the favor if you can!). How often will you really use that root wrench or that specialty cake pan? Just remember to return the item in good condition and be prepared to be just as generous as your neighbor.

If you have pets or children, you might call upon your neighbors to occasionally watch them. If your neighbor also has pets or children, you can easily swap babysitting/petsitting duties. Just make sure you don’t abuse the privilege of free child/pet care!

If your neighbor has older children, but you do not, you can also save a few dollars by hiring the kids to do some lawn work in the summer or shovel snow in the winter. It’s less expensive than hiring a service, and the kids will have the opportunity to gain some real-life work experience.

In addition to swapping favors or hiring the neighbor kids, your neighbors could save you a bundle simply by being watchful and helping out when a crisis strikes. It’s hard to place a value on how important it is for neighbors to look out for neighbors. By having each other’s backs, you can potentially prevent theft, avoid accidents (especially where kids are concerned!), or simply let each other know when a hailstorm is coming so you can move your car into the garage!

Why not make an effort to get to know your neighbor a bit better? Hopefully you’ll kick off a friendly relationship that will benefit everyone and help make your at-home world a tad brighter.

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