Everyone deals with stress differently. Some people might “check out” for several weeks and take a luxury vacation. Others may go on a shopping spree or treat themselves to a day at the spa. Still others may seek guidance from a therapist or counselor, if the stress is bad enough.

Regardless of how one deals with stress, it is something that should not be ignored. Stress has a way of eating at health and happiness, and can affect all areas of your life. While luxury vacations, shopping sprees, and counselors* are expensive solutions, there are several budget-friendly ways to find your calm and bring down your stress level. Here are five ideas:

1. Cozy up with a book

There’s nothing quite like curling up with a book. If you think you don’t have time to indulge in reading, look at it this way: You probably find time to check Facebook and watch TV, so why not shift some of your social media and TV time into reading time? Start with 20 minutes, and go from there.

Additionally, there’s no need to go out and buy books. Borrow a favorite book from a friend or ask a librarian for their recommendation.

2. Enjoy a warm beverage

If you’re feeling stressed, take just FIVE minutes to yourself to quietly sit with a cup of coffee or tea and reflect. Don’t check your phone or work—simply sit in silence and sip on your beverage. It won’t take long until your muscles relax and you’ll begin to breathe easier.

3. Exercise

Especially when the weather turns cold, it’s easy to neglect physical fitness. Make a commitment to yourself to exercise regularly. Study after study has shown that exercise improves your mood and reduces stress. It can also make you healthier overall (meaning you won’t have to stress about calling in sick or cancelling plans). Do whatever you enjoy most, whether that be yoga, running on a treadmill, or Zumba classes.

4. Take a meaningful lunch break

Is it your norm to wolf down your lunch at your desk? Or grab a quick slice of pizza down the street? Start looking at your lunch break as an opportunity—a time to collect your thoughts, unwind, and enjoy your meal. Take just 20 minutes away from your work tasks. If you’re a fast eater, you might consider adding a lunchtime stroll to your routine.

5. Socialize

When was the last time you spent quality time with friends? If it’s not a regular part of your life anymore, consider reconnecting with old acquaintances over coffee or lunch. When you’re with those who empower you, make you laugh, and listen to what you have to say, that can make a huge difference in your emotional and mental wellbeing. Friendships are powerful, and spending just an hour or two each week with a friend can help you combat stress.


Taking control of your stress doesn’t have to break the bank. There are plenty of low-budget activities you can practice every day that can temporarily remove you from stressful situations and give you space to breathe and compose yourself. Take the time to put a few of these into practice—your wellbeing is priceless.


*Please note, some situations really do merit a counselor or therapist, and should not be resolved on your own.

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