It seems that every week, there is a new fad on social media—a viral dance, a new challenge, some kind of silly trend. Most (though not all) are harmless, and […]
Why Good Financial Planning Has Nothing to Do with Elections
As a financial advisor, I am well aware that individual investors can become anxious during election years. They wonder about their investments and financial plans, and if the election will […]
Investment Lessons from the Dot-Com Era
Do you remember the late 1990s? It wasn’t only a time of flannel shirts and jeans. It wasn’t just Beanie Babies, “Friends,” and Leonardo DiCaprio. It was also a time […]
Why Long-Term Investors Are NOT Panicking
Market forecasters predicted that the past few years were going to be a catastrophe, and they were wrong. If you had listened to the doom-and-gloom forecasters at the beginning of […]
Why You Shouldn’t Worry About the Stock Market’s Health
Media outlets love to publish headlines that stir up fear about an impending stock market collapse. “10 Signs the Market is on a Downward Slide!” “4 Reasons to Move Your […]
Keep Calm and Leave Your Investments Alone
The corona virus scare has shaken our entire nation and the globe. People are stocking up on rice, hand sanitizer, and bottled water. Shelves are bare. Flights are being canceled […]
One More (Surprising) Reason to Practice Long Term Investing
If you’d read some of my past posts, it’s no mystery that I’m a proponent of long-term investing. I believe the adage “Good things come to those who wait” is […]
Investing is Like Gardening
After a long winter, the upper Midwest is finally coming back to life. Everywhere you look, people are tending to their yards, planting flowers, and preparing their gardens. There’s something comforting and […]
Nervous About Investing in the Market? You Don’t Have To Be.
There are MANY ways to invest your money, some more risky than others. You could sock your spare cash into a savings account or CD. You could become part of […]