Everyone deals with stress differently. Some people might “check out” for several weeks and take a luxury vacation. Others may go on a shopping spree or treat themselves to a […]

While retirement promises the freedom of your own schedule, it also brings with it a question, for some, which can be more difficult to answer: How do I fill the […]

If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you’ve been hearing all kinds of doom and gloom predictions about the national and global economy. The global economy is slowing, we’re […]

No matter your view on cutting one’s carbon footprint, I think we can all agree that the world is a better place when we can all breathe fresh air, drink […]

An unlikely star emerged on Netflix this past year. She is patient, polite, and she wants more than anything to help others organize their space. Her name is Marie Kondo, […]

I recently heard a statistic that 20% of all committed couples hide finances from each other. That means one person out of every five has a secret bank account, credit card, […]

Car repairs. Leaky roof. Family emergency. Sick kid. When considering worst-case scenarios, the list goes on. Life is full of unexpected situations that are not only financially expensive, but emotionally […]