Everyone deals with stress differently. Some people might “check out” for several weeks and take a luxury vacation. Others may go on a shopping spree or treat themselves to a […]
5 Ways Working After Retirement Can Benefit You
While retirement promises the freedom of your own schedule, it also brings with it a question, for some, which can be more difficult to answer: How do I fill the […]
Signs of HOPE in an Uncertain Financial Market
If you’ve been listening to the news lately, you’ve been hearing all kinds of doom and gloom predictions about the national and global economy. The global economy is slowing, we’re […]
Reducing Your Financial Footprint
No matter your view on cutting one’s carbon footprint, I think we can all agree that the world is a better place when we can all breathe fresh air, drink […]
4 Ways to Stay Healthy and Fit on a Budget
Did you know health and fitness is a $30 billion industry that has been growing consistently for the past decade? With costly gym memberships, personal trainers, smart gear (think FitBit […]
Personal Finance and the Marie Kondo Movement
An unlikely star emerged on Netflix this past year. She is patient, polite, and she wants more than anything to help others organize their space. Her name is Marie Kondo, […]
Summer Jobs and Lifelong Finance Lessons
If you have a teenager at home, you know what it’s like to be treated like a walking piggy bank. Whether it’s a cell phone, the latest shoe trend, a […]
3 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Saving Money!
For many people, saving money is a mental game. We may claim we don’t have any extra to sock away each month, and yet we spend money on all kinds […]
When a relationship lacks financial transparency…
I recently heard a statistic that 20% of all committed couples hide finances from each other. That means one person out of every five has a secret bank account, credit card, […]
35 Days Without An Income (the importance of an emergency fund)
Car repairs. Leaky roof. Family emergency. Sick kid. When considering worst-case scenarios, the list goes on. Life is full of unexpected situations that are not only financially expensive, but emotionally […]