No one likes to think about their own mortality. That goes against all the advice books on happiness that tell us to “live in the moment” or “don’t worry about […]

As you’ve probably noticed, a lot of the news you get is not exactly positive. The media loves drama, and that usually means focusing on all the negative things that […]

  For many people, the holidays mean family get togethers, decorations, big meals, and presents…all things that can pinch the wallet more than usual. For some, holidays are stressful anyway […]

Budget-conscious folks get anxious during the holidays. So much pressure to spend! Or entertain. Or take expensive trips. It’s a shame that all the expectations of the holiday season can […]

  Today, it’s almost a given. You need some kind of higher education to even be considered for many jobs. But are we setting an artificially high bar? And does […]

My last post addressed the dangers of pulling from your retirement fund before reaching the prescribed retirement age (typically 59 ½). In short, withdrawing from a 401(k) can be a […]