As we inch ever-closer to the U.S. presidential election, the division between people is becoming more and more apparent. Many people are declaring, “I just want this election to be over.” But will things magically change after November 3rd? Will people accept the results and move on?

With the way things are looking, probably not.

That’s unfortunate, because we, as a nation, have A LOT of work to do. We have to cope with high unemployment, wild stock market swings, thousands of small businesses shuttering their operations, and a pandemic that won’t seem to quit. We need unity.

If we do not come together as a nation, it will inevitably be harder to move forward as a unified, strong United States.

That doesn’t mean we have to agree on everything (that will never happen, of course!), but it does mean we should be willing to put aside petty differences and focus on the things that tie us together. Everyone, for instance, wants to be healthy and happy. Everyone wants a decent livelihood. Everyone wants to feel safe and secure. Everyone wants our nation’s children to receive quality education. Everyone wants to breathe clean air and drink clean water.

By focusing on the big-picture goals that the vast majority of us have, we CAN move forward together.

When I meet with my financial clients, we can always have a friendly, civil discourse about investing and finances. We may have some differing opinions, but we can always reach a consensus. In the same way, we can begin to build bridges, one friendly conversation at a time, with the people around us. We have to. The future of our country is counting on it.

This week, I challenge you to be a better listener, to argue less, to focus on facts, and to remember the things that you have in common with others (despite your differences). Start seeing others as humans with similar wants and needs, hopes and dreams as you. In the weeks ahead, we need all the kindness and bridge-building we can muster. Let it start with you.

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