For many people, the holidays mean family get togethers, decorations, big meals, and presents…all things that can pinch the wallet more than usual. For some, holidays are stressful anyway (all those commitments with groups of people who may or may not get along!), but adding the financial strain can make things downright miserable.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

The holiday season means so much more than giving gifts or purchasing the trendiest décor. It’s a time to be joyous, kind, and respectful of one another. It’s a time to give back. To me, this is the truest meaning of the season, and an important aspect of Self-Wealth—when you have abundance, share it with others.

Remember, giving back doesn’t have to break the bank. There are plenty of ways to share holiday cheer without spending a dime. Here are 5 budget-friendly ways to show others you care this season:

1. Help a neighbor

Even the smallest gestures can make a huge difference. Shoveling snow, scraping ice off your neighbor’s car, or volunteering to watch their house while they’re away are all simple ways to help your neighbors. In this era of electronics and screens, it’s easy to ignore the people next door. I challenge you to acknowledge them this year and show that you care.

2. Share a holiday tradition

Do you have any holiday traditions from your youth? Sharing those traditions with your family or friends is a fun way to keep them alive. For instance, one of my family’s favorite holiday desserts is Dobosh torte (specially made in a bakery in my hometown), and I enjoy introducing others to this special 15-layer cake.

3. Gift your time

Whether you’re baking cookies with your children or grandchildren, spending an afternoon ice skating with your significant other, or catching up with old friends over coffee, these little gestures speak volumes. Your time is valuable and it is one of the greatest gifts you can give to others. No need to drop much (or any) money on elaborate dinners or excursions—just remembering others and making time for them is the best way to show you care.

4. Volunteer

Volunteer opportunities abound during the holiday season. Help out at a soup kitchen, spearhead a toy drive, or go caroling at a nursing home. Don’t forget: volunteer opportunities also exist in the “off season.” Let the holidays be a springboard into service all year round.

5. Show appreciation

The words Thank You are powerful. Show your gratitude to others by thanking them for something specific they’ve done to make a positive difference. Thank your children for cleaning their rooms, thank your friends for contributing to the potluck, thank your co-workers for any above-and-beyond work that they do. Simply say, “Thank you” or write a handwritten card. Your gratitude can make a huge difference.


How will you give back this holiday season? How will you be a good friend/partner/neighbor/parent/co-worker? I’d love to hear about other ways you give back during the holidays. Feel free to comment below!

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