If you’ve read my book or have been following my blog for a while, you know that I believe in a concept I call “Self-Wealth.” Self-Wealth goes beyond money and physical wealth. It is a concept that embraces many aspects of your life and well-being. I have found that there are three main pillars of Self-Wealth: Purpose, Security, and Hope. If one of the three pillars is missing, life can feel a little off-kilter or incomplete.

I often talk about aspects of Security (saving for retirement, investing, etc.) and, lately, amid an uncertain economy and a pandemic, I’ve been discussing Hope. But what about Purpose? What does Purpose look like in 2020? Even during strange, uncertain times, can you still follow your Purpose?

I believe it’s just as important as ever to be Purpose-driven. Purpose is the thing that keeps us going, that gives us direction in life.

Your Purpose could be as simple as “family” or as far-reaching as “improving society.” No matter what drives you, it’s important to find the thing (or multiple things) that propel you forward, day by day.

If you’re having trouble identifying your Purpose lately, I challenge you to:

1. Reflect

Spend some quiet time reflecting on what gives you joy in life and what motivates you. If you took away all of life’s “fluff,” what would matter the most? What do you care about most deeply? Keep in mind, you can care about a few things at once (your family and your career, for instance).

While you’re reflecting, jot down some notes. Outline the things that matter most, and what ranks slightly lower. By writing this down on paper, you’re making your Purpose tangible and alive.

2. Plan

If you’ve let other aspects of your life get in the way of your Purpose, think about what you need to do to refocus and realign your life with your Purpose. Might you need to work a little less?  A little more? Might you need to change your priorities or stop doing a certain activity?

It’s possible that you are nowhere NEAR your Purpose. If that’s the case, it might be time to make some difficult decisions. If, for instance, you’re not finding any joy or satisfaction in your career, it may be time to make a switch. I know of one person who decided he wanted to give up his work in an IT department and go back to school for nursing. He felt his purpose was to help others, and determined that nursing would be the best way for him to do that. Although it wasn’t an easy decision (he had a steep learning curve and he had to take a pay cut), it was the right one for him to make. Today, he is happy and grateful he made that choice.

3. Act

A Purpose-driven life is not stagnant. Rather, it is constantly in motion–constantly moving toward your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Even if you start putting your Purpose at the center of your life, you may have to periodically readjust your goals and rethink your daily actions. Is your stated Purpose still making sense at this point in your life? Do you need to recalibrate? Have you lost sight of your Purpose and have become distracted by obstacles or detours that life has thrown at you?

Readjusting and renewing your focus on Purpose is part of being human. It is natural and healthy to keep learning, growing, and changing.


Is it time to sit down and examine your Purpose? Take the time to examine your life’s direction and what you’re prioritizing on a daily basis. It could be that you’re missing out on opportunities to amplify your joy and live a fuller, richer life. Seize your Purpose, and work for it! You deserve Self-Wealth.

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