In the midst of the COVID crisis, I am determined to be a voice of reason and a calming presence. My hope is that my role as a financial advisor […]
Keep Calm and Leave Your Investments Alone
The corona virus scare has shaken our entire nation and the globe. People are stocking up on rice, hand sanitizer, and bottled water. Shelves are bare. Flights are being canceled […]
Your Stress-Free Finance Plan (Have your latte and savings, too!)
Tax season is upon us, which serves as a great time to do an annual review of our financial stability. Most financial experts agree that an annual review is […]
One More (Surprising) Reason to Practice Long Term Investing
If you’d read some of my past posts, it’s no mystery that I’m a proponent of long-term investing. I believe the adage “Good things come to those who wait” is […]
Your Meaningful Money Year
This is the time of year for resolutions and fresh starts. Maybe you’ve already decided to improve your eating habits, exercise more, or learn a new language…but have you considered […]
The hidden (and scary!) cost of commuting
If you’re like many Americans, you hardly give commuting a second thought. Making your daily drive is simply part of the job–it’s not a big deal, right? In truth, all those […]
Reducing Your Financial Footprint
No matter your view on cutting one’s carbon footprint, I think we can all agree that the world is a better place when we can all breathe fresh air, drink […]
4 Ways to Stay Healthy and Fit on a Budget
Did you know health and fitness is a $30 billion industry that has been growing consistently for the past decade? With costly gym memberships, personal trainers, smart gear (think FitBit […]
Rethinking Charitable Giving
With new tax guidelines related to charitable giving, it is difficult to know how to proceed. Now, the average donor is put in a tricky position: continue giving as […]
Personal Finance and the Marie Kondo Movement
An unlikely star emerged on Netflix this past year. She is patient, polite, and she wants more than anything to help others organize their space. Her name is Marie Kondo, […]