No one likes to think about their own mortality. That goes against all the advice books on happiness that tell us to “live in the moment” or “don’t worry about […]

Market forecasters predicted that the past few years were going to be a catastrophe, and they were wrong. If you had listened to the doom-and-gloom forecasters at the beginning of […]

It happens more often than you might think. A couple will sit down with me to discuss their retirement goals and dreams…and they’ll realize that their visions are very different. […]

The semester is relatively new, and college students are easing back into their classes and life as usual. With so much on a typical student’s plate—studying, attending classes, extracurriculars, socializing—it […]

Trends come and go (quiet quitting, anyone?), but one trend that I hope will stick around is frugal living. Younger generations are increasingly embracing frugal lifestyles, and are making headlines by […]

In the U.S., we’ve just celebrated our nation’s birthday. Independence Day is associated with barbeques, fireworks, relaxing at the beach, and, of course, freedom. In a nation that touts a […]

When you turn on the news lately, the buzzword on everyone’s lips is “inflation.” Reporters talk in serious tones about the rapidly rising rate of inflation and how it’s affecting […]