Even if you don’t pay much attention to financial news, you’ve likely heard about the wild ride we had last week with GameStop stocks. Media as diverse as Twitter, CNBC, […]
The Link Between Wealth and Health
What does regular exercise have to do with your finances? Does decreasing stress save you money? Can healthy eating trim expenses as well as pounds? Though it might seem strange, […]
Top 6 Financial Resolutions
Happy New Year! You may have made a resolution or two at the beginning of the year…but were any of them financial resolutions? Many people tend to gravitate toward resolutions […]
Patience Rewarded (Staying in the Market Through COVID)
A LOT has happened since February/March, 2020, but let’s pause for a moment and try to remember what that moment was like in the U.S. That time was characterized by […]
Relieve Stress by Giving Thanks
You will always have reasons to be stressed. That’s just the way life is. You may worry about your finances, health, or family members. You might be anxious about the state […]
Adapting an Emergency Savings Mindset (5 Strategies)
By now, you’ve probably heard that Americans, as a whole, are abysmal at keeping up an emergency savings account. The vast majority of people cannot scrape together four hundred dollars for […]
Health-Related Purchases for Winter
Winter in the Upper Midwest is hard enough as it is, but add a fear of COVID and several closed shops, restaurants, and gyms into the mix, and you have […]
Keep Calm and Support Small Businesses
It’s no secret that the past several months have been tough on small businesses in the United States. Many retail shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues have had to modify […]
Let’s Talk About PURPOSE
If you’ve read my book or have been following my blog for a while, you know that I believe in a concept I call “Self-Wealth.” Self-Wealth goes beyond money and physical […]
Avoid Being a Jumpy Investor
Lately, the stock market has behaved like a kid on a teeter-totter, rocketing up and plummeting down just as quickly. It has defied logic, remaining robust while unemployment numbers soar […]