If you follow this blog, you’re well-aware that PURPOSE is central to what I discuss here. In fact, it’s one of the three pillars of Self-Wealth. Without purpose, you flounder. Without purpose, you don’t enjoy getting up and going to work every day.

Everyone’s purpose is different (and may take a while to unfold), but they all have one key thing in common: They are worth pursuing.

Though not everyone agrees, I have found that life is most fulfilling when your purpose is tied in to your work. Since you probably will spend the bulk of your time at work, why not try to do work that is fulfilling and rewarding for you?

In my case, I love helping people puzzle out the best way to capitalize on their assets. Not only do I enjoy the work, I also feel like I’m providing a valuable service—something that is extremely important to me.

So, how do you get to the bottom of your purpose?

If you haven’t quite figured out your calling yet, I highly recommend taking leadership expert (and Twin Cities resident) Richard Leider’s “one-minute napkin test.”

This test is simple and quick, so it probably won’t provide you with all the answers, but it’s a good place to get started. The test goes like this:


G + P + V = C

Or: Gifts + Passion + Values = Calling


In what areas are you gifted? Do you have any special talents or abilities? Write those out on your “napkin.”

Then, ask yourself, “What am I passionate about?” What occupies your thoughts, daydreams, and desires? What lights a spark inside of you?

Finally, what are your values? What are the things you hold closest to your heart—things you won’t compromise on?

When you consider all three of these elements—your gifts, passions, and values—you get your calling.

Yes, this is a simplified version of your journey to figuring out your purpose, but I do think it has value. Your quick answers reveal what is at the top of your mind…and that just might offer you insight into your personal calling.

Besides, I have a feeling you already have an idea of your life’s purpose. It may just need some clarity.

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