In general, I’m optimistic about the future. As I’ve discussed in past blog posts, we have made many incredible advances as a society, and we continue to push the envelope with creativity and innovations. In truth, humans are amazing! We look for solutions, we collaborate, and we are constantly seeking to improve the way things are.

If you flip on the news, you’ll likely catch the negative aspects of humanity. You’ll see the crimes, the selfishness, and the drama. In my experience, most people are decent human beings who do not want to do any harm to others. They want to live and let live—focusing on their families, their career, and their wellbeing. They volunteer or donate; they teach their children to be good citizens.

Let’s focus on that.

Let’s shift our view from seeing only scary, negative outcomes for the future and instead focus on the exciting, wonderful possibilities. Can you picture a world where people live in harmony? A world where children have enough food to eat and a quality education? A world where our rivers run clear and our air is free of pollution? Such a world can exist! Scientists are already figuring out ways to end global hunger and cut pollution. And I have faith in human ingenuity and drive.

As a financial advisor, I am used to being a voice of optimism. When markets take a dive and people begin “panic selling” their stocks, it is up to me to be rational and level-headed. I calm my clients by referring to the market’s long history of ups and downs, and how it has always bounced back (even from the lowest lows). Despite what a handful of “doom and gloom” financial analysts predict, I see a continued bright future for the market. Things will inevitably shift—companies will go out of business, new companies will emerge, national sentiments and priorities will change—but our economy is robust and resilient. It can weather even the toughest of storms.

Let’s apply this way of thinking to everyday life.

Instead of dwelling on a future full of frightening possibilities, let’s shift our thinking to focus on all the GOOD in the world—all the positive aspects of life that are happening now and will continue to happen. If that way of thinking is too broad, take a look at your own life. Think about the people you love and trust. Think about the kindness others have shown you, and the good deeds people have done. I doubt you’ll have to look far to find evidence of decent people and altruistic acts. Goodness is all around us, we just need to look for it.

This holiday season, I challenge you to open your eyes and your heart to good news and hopefulness. Dare to be optimistic. Dare to see a bright, promising future. Happy holidays!

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