It’s been a rollercoaster year (longer, really!) for many of us. The stock market has seen extreme highs and lows. Many people became unemployed or underemployed due to the pandemic. People have had to work from home or (practically overnight) become part-time educators for their children. Amid all the chaos and uncertainty, I’ve noticed two key indicators of success: flexibility and grit.

Why are these traits so indicative of success? Let’s talk about flexibility first.

Flexibility has been important throughout these uncertain times because things have been changing from day to day. We’ve had to follow different protocols, adjust our behavior or actions in different settings, and adapt to a new way of life (daily Zoom meetings, anyone?). Those who decided to roll with the punches and make the best of the “new normal” were the ones who prospered. These were the people who created a new morning routine for themselves, made a home office wherever they could find the space, and figured out how to take care of new challenges that arose.

From a business perspective, the businesses that were quick on their feet and adapted to the changes brought about by the pandemic were the ones that thrived. These were the businesses that looked at the current situation and said, “Okay, how can we adapt to what’s going on?” Those adaptations might have involved drive-up windows, delivery to customers, social media outreach, partnering with similar businesses (a bakery and a coffee shop delivering a “brunch kit,” for example), or creative offers.

Another way businesses might have shown flexibility was by cutting spending in certain areas and increasing spending in areas that made sense (new delivery services, for instance). Ideally, these businesses would have also had an emergency savings account in place to help them through the first few months. It is MUCH easier to keep a level head and plan for the future when you have a bit of a financial cushion to work with. That’s a lesson I hope businesses will keep in mind, going forward!

Another key ingredient of success is grit.

Grit is an intangible trait that can be described as the drive to keep going, despite adversity. People who possess a good deal of grit are undeterred by obstacles. Instead of giving up, they problem solve and figure out how to keep moving forward. Though flexibility is an important characteristic to have, it’s even more powerful when paired with grit.

Even if you don’t think you have much grit, I’m willing to bet you do. Have you ever had to do something outside of your comfort zone or engage in a difficult conversation? Have you ever been motivated to work hard for something you wanted? If so, you have grit. Besides, grit is something you can practice and improve. Test your willpower in small ways—this could be as simple as getting up 15 minutes earlier or eating a slightly healthier lunch—and build up your strength of character. You might also put your grit to the test by setting goals and committing to them. Bit by bit, you’ll become a grittier, more resilient person.

With a little grit and a lot of flexibility, you can do just about anything. There are bound to be tough times ahead (that’s life!), but with these two important elements of success, I’m sure you can face any challenge that comes your way. You’ve got this.

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