Car repairs. Leaky roof. Family emergency. Sick kid. When considering worst-case scenarios, the list goes on. Life is full of unexpected situations that are not only financially expensive, but emotionally […]
6 Quick Steps to Protect Yourself Online
I hear about it all the time. People fall victim to an online scam, click on a bad link, have one of their accounts hacked, or have their credit card […]
Money-Saving Tips for Cold Weather
If you live in the frozen north like I do, you still have a good two months (if not more!) of winter ahead. Not only does that sound daunting to […]
4 Ways Technology Can Give Your Finances a Boost
Technology has been a game-changer in the finance world. In some ways, it has helped tremendously—simplifying investing, making financial accounts more accessible, speeding up money transfers—but in other ways it […]
Market Looking Slow? Let Me Give You Some Good News…
You may have noticed the stock market taking a sluggish turn during the summer. The trading volume decreased, and the numbers haven’t been quite as strong as in pre-summer […]
Is the Senior Citizen in Your Life Financially Protected?
Although there’s been a lot of great financial news lately, the sad reality is that many people are losing large portions of their wealth…and it’s probably not due to the stock […]
Your Personal Finance is PERSONAL
When it comes to financial decisions, it seems like everyone has an opinion. News articles tell you to invest in this but not that. Social media tells us about get-rich-quick […]
Nervous About Investing in the Market? You Don’t Have To Be.
There are MANY ways to invest your money, some more risky than others. You could sock your spare cash into a savings account or CD. You could become part of […]
4 Things I’ve Learned About Building a Home from Scratch
I understand the appeal of building a new home from scratch. You have a dream home in mind, and no existing home can quite measure up. Building from the ground, up […]
You’re going to spend HOW MUCH on food during retirement??
If you’re like most Americans, you don’t spend a ton of time thinking about retirement. It will take care of itself, right? You’re not planning to buy a condo in Fiji […]