Car repairs. Leaky roof. Family emergency. Sick kid. When considering worst-case scenarios, the list goes on. Life is full of unexpected situations that are not only financially expensive, but emotionally […]

Technology has been a game-changer in the finance world. In some ways, it has helped tremendously—simplifying investing, making financial accounts more accessible, speeding up money transfers—but in other ways it […]

  You may have noticed the stock market taking a sluggish turn during the summer. The trading volume decreased, and the numbers haven’t been quite as strong as in pre-summer […]

Although there’s been a lot of great financial news lately, the sad reality is that many people are losing large portions of their wealth…and it’s probably not due to the stock […]

When it comes to financial decisions, it seems like everyone has an opinion. News articles tell you to invest in this but not that. Social media tells us about get-rich-quick […]

There are MANY ways to invest your money, some more risky than others. You could sock your spare cash into a savings account or CD. You could become part of […]

I understand the appeal of building a new home from scratch. You have a dream home in mind, and no existing home can quite measure up. Building from the ground, up […]

If you’re like most Americans, you don’t spend a ton of time thinking about retirement. It will take care of itself, right? You’re not planning to buy a condo in Fiji […]