In the U.S., we’ve just celebrated our nation’s birthday. Independence Day is associated with barbeques, fireworks, relaxing at the beach, and, of course, freedom. In a nation that touts a […]
High Inflation: We’ve Been Here Before (Don’t Panic!)
When you turn on the news lately, the buzzword on everyone’s lips is “inflation.” Reporters talk in serious tones about the rapidly rising rate of inflation and how it’s affecting […]
Why Investing Isn’t a Game
Be careful when faced with the gamification techniques that many investment platforms are utilizing. Such techniques include stock price notifications, headlines that evoke a “fear of missing out” (FOMO) reaction, […]
Small Habits Can Create Big Changes
In his book Atomic Habits, author James Clear discusses the power of making small, incremental changes. Through tiny, persistent modifications, sports teams can become powerhouses, entrepreneurs can build successful businesses, […]
Facing the Unknown
For the most part, people love certainty. We like to know we can count on the basics—a roof over our heads, food on the table, love from family and friends. […]
The True Cost of Subscriptions
“It’s just $5 per month. What harm could it be?” “Sure, it’s costly, but I can stop my subscription whenever I want.” “I’ll just subscribe for the trial period and […]
You Need to Save More for Retirement Than You Think
Ah, retirement! That is the end goal for many employed people who simply want to relax and live their best lives outside of work. I’ve talked with people who want to […]
What is the Value of Cryptocurrency?
What is Bitcoin worth? What is the true value of Dogecoin or Ethereum? And what on earth is an NFT, and why do people suddenly want them? These are questions without real answers. […]
Why You Shouldn’t Worry About the Stock Market’s Health
Media outlets love to publish headlines that stir up fear about an impending stock market collapse. “10 Signs the Market is on a Downward Slide!” “4 Reasons to Move Your […]
3 Practical Lessons from the GameStop Incident
Even if you don’t pay much attention to financial news, you’ve likely heard about the wild ride we had last week with GameStop stocks. Media as diverse as Twitter, CNBC, […]