During the holiday season, it’s easy to become distracted by…everything. So many people, events, and things demand your attention. Retail stores bombard you with advertisements for the latest gadgets. Social […]

Trends come and go (quiet quitting, anyone?), but one trend that I hope will stick around is frugal living. Younger generations are increasingly embracing frugal lifestyles, and are making headlines by […]

The U.S. dollar is having a moment. Never before has the value of the USD been so close to the British pound. On top of that, the USD is now […]

According to the Global Wealth Report, only 8 percent of Americans are millionaires. That’s a relatively small sliver of the population, so it inevitably begs the question: What are these […]

The only things certain in life are death, taxes, and…fluctuations in the stock market. It inevitably experiences highs and lows, surges and dips. As a financial advisor, and someone who […]

For many people, summer is a time for relaxing at the beach, barbeques, gardening, and enjoying the sunshine. But for the stock market, things aren’t usually so rosy. Historically, the […]

Over the last year, millions of American workers have left their jobs. This phenomenon, widely know as the Great Resignation, has employers in a panic. With a definite worker shortage, […]