In the U.S., we’ve just celebrated our nation’s birthday. Independence Day is associated with barbeques, fireworks, relaxing at the beach, and, of course, freedom. In a nation that touts a […]

I’ve been a financial advisor for a long time. I’ve seen periods of rapid expansion and contraction. I’ve witnessed extreme highs and lows in the stock market. Throughout the years, […]

When you turn on the news lately, the buzzword on everyone’s lips is “inflation.” Reporters talk in serious tones about the rapidly rising rate of inflation and how it’s affecting […]

Be careful when faced with the gamification techniques that many investment platforms are utilizing. Such techniques include stock price notifications, headlines that evoke a “fear of missing out” (FOMO) reaction, […]

There are many situations in life that are beyond your control. That’s the plain and simple reality. You can’t control the actions of politicians, or stop wars, or singlehandedly eliminate […]

In his book Atomic Habits, author James Clear discusses the power of making small, incremental changes. Through tiny, persistent modifications, sports teams can become powerhouses, entrepreneurs can build successful businesses, […]