During the holiday season, it’s easy to become distracted by…everything. So many people, events, and things demand your attention. Retail stores bombard you with advertisements for the latest gadgets. Social […]
Why You Need a Vacation
If you’re in a position to do so, why not take a vacation? Stepping away from your normal routine might be exactly what you need to rejuvenate, re-energize, and rediscover […]
Frugal Living and Gratitude For What You Already Have
Trends come and go (quiet quitting, anyone?), but one trend that I hope will stick around is frugal living. Younger generations are increasingly embracing frugal lifestyles, and are making headlines by […]
The Dollar is Strong! 3 Ways to Take Advantage
The U.S. dollar is having a moment. Never before has the value of the USD been so close to the British pound. On top of that, the USD is now […]
How Wealthy Individuals Made Their Millions
According to the Global Wealth Report, only 8 percent of Americans are millionaires. That’s a relatively small sliver of the population, so it inevitably begs the question: What are these […]
Investing, Variable Incomes, and Weathering Storms
The only things certain in life are death, taxes, and…fluctuations in the stock market. It inevitably experiences highs and lows, surges and dips. As a financial advisor, and someone who […]
Don’t Panic! The Supply Chain is Fine
One of the themes that crops up from time to time in my blog posts is the theme of media sensationalism. When it comes to economic and financial news, it’s […]
4 Signs Americans Are Doing Just Fine
No one will deny we, as a country, are going through an odd period in history. When you mix the lingering effects of a long pandemic, a booming (though starting […]
Why I Don’t Fear a “Summer Slump”
For many people, summer is a time for relaxing at the beach, barbeques, gardening, and enjoying the sunshine. But for the stock market, things aren’t usually so rosy. Historically, the […]
Over the last year, millions of American workers have left their jobs. This phenomenon, widely know as the Great Resignation, has employers in a panic. With a definite worker shortage, […]