After a long winter, the upper Midwest is finally coming back to life. Everywhere you look, people are tending to their yards, planting flowers, and preparing their gardens. There’s something comforting and […]
3 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Saving Money!
For many people, saving money is a mental game. We may claim we don’t have any extra to sock away each month, and yet we spend money on all kinds […]
When a relationship lacks financial transparency…
I recently heard a statistic that 20% of all committed couples hide finances from each other. That means one person out of every five has a secret bank account, credit card, […]
35 Days Without An Income (the importance of an emergency fund)
Car repairs. Leaky roof. Family emergency. Sick kid. When considering worst-case scenarios, the list goes on. Life is full of unexpected situations that are not only financially expensive, but emotionally […]
5 NON-Financial Investments You Can Make
Though we talk a lot about money and finance on this blog, that’s only one component of wealth. True Self-Wealth comes from finding and living your Purpose and cultivating […]
6 Quick Steps to Protect Yourself Online
I hear about it all the time. People fall victim to an online scam, click on a bad link, have one of their accounts hacked, or have their credit card […]
Money-Saving Tips for Cold Weather
If you live in the frozen north like I do, you still have a good two months (if not more!) of winter ahead. Not only does that sound daunting to […]
5 Ways To Teach Kids Good Financial Management
It’s never too early to teach your children about money. If they can develop good financial management practices when they’re young, it should be easy for them to carry those […]
8 Ideas For Keeping Active During Retirement
After working for several decades, it’s nearly impossible to completely put on the brakes. If you’re used to staying active, working on projects, and keeping both your brain and your […]
6 Easy(ish) Financial Resolutions
This year, I challenge you to make one of the most important New Year’s resolutions of all: a financial resolution! Though it may not sound as glamorous as […]