As a financial advisor, it’s my job to spread hope. That may sound strange, but it’s absolutely true. A lot of fear can be whipped up around finances. Financial advisors hear about the woes and worries of clients all the time—phrases such as:

“Oh no, the stock market is tanking! What do I do?”

“How am I going to pay for these home repairs?”

“My third child is about to go to college—how can I possibly help her out?”

“Am I really ready to retire? What if I haven’t planned well enough?”


These are all valid concerns, but here is the frank and honest truth: Worrying about these situations will not help a thing. However, conscious planning and continuing to work alongside an experienced financial advisor will help these situations.

Part of my job is to tell people, “It will all be okay.” And I truly believe that things will be okay. Most situations are not unsolvable, especially if you’re committed to planning ahead. I’ll use the current COVID pandemic as an example.

Most of my clients were so well-prepared for a “worst case scenario” that the pandemic hardly ruffled them. When the market plummeted in spring of 2020, they didn’t panic. Instead, they followed my advice, left their investments alone, and waited until the market corrected itself (as it always does). They also knew that they had consciously built up an emergency savings account that they could lean on, if necessary. In short, they were better prepared than most, and they had no reason to panic.

But what if you find yourself in a truly panic-worthy situation? What if you suddenly have a stack of medical bills, a broken-down vehicle, and reduced work hours?

Don’t panic! We can get through situations like that together. It might take a little reshuffling of assets, replanning, and re-envisioning the future, but I’m certain you can emerge from your financial struggles and keep marching forward.

It is undeniable that finances can cause stress and anxiety, which is why it’s helpful to have a financial advisor that you can turn to in times of need. Believe me, any good advisor will be there for you during a crisis. It’s our job to be the voice of reason—a neutral party who will deliver sound, logical advice.

If you’re currently feeling panicked, take a deep breath and give your financial advisor a call! We know how to navigate crises, and we’ll be ready to help you sort things out and boost your spirits. You can get through this, and we’re here to help.

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