If you regularly follow my blog, you know that Self-Wealth goes beyond finances. Self-Wealth is a complete picture—a multi-faceted state of being. In my view, to truly be a wealthy person means to have a clear Purpose and unabashed Hope, in addition to financial Security. It also means reaching out and helping others, once you’ve taken the time to set yourself down the right path.

How do you know you’ve reached the point where you have an abundance of Self-Wealth? Here are 8 signs:

1. You’re happy at work

Nothing says “Self-Wealth” louder than job satisfaction. For many of us, work takes up a large portion of our lives. Ideally, your work also plays into your life’s Purpose.

2. You have emergency savings

A staggering number of Americans cannot cover an out-of-pocket emergency payment of $1,000. If you are among the minority who do regularly funnel money into an emergency savings account, kudos to you! You’re on your way to Self-Wealth

3. You believe in a brighter future

Too often, we focus on bad news and take the pessimistic outlook that life is continuing to get worse. This cynical outlook glosses over all the GOOD in the world (medical advances, agricultural technology, cutting-edge energy tech, etc.).

4. You don’t chase trends

Too many people try to “keep up with the Joneses” by buying the latest car/shoes/toys, but this kind of happiness is fleeting. Those who have an abundance of Self-Wealth do not chase after trends, but are satisfied with what they have.

5. You find time for the people and things you love

Self-Wealth folks know what is important in their lives and make those things a priority. Family, friends, hobbies, volunteering—whatever you deem important in life deserves your time and attention.

6. You enjoy the little things

It’s easy to live your life without truly being present and appreciating the moment. Those with plenty of Self-Wealth know how to pause and enjoy life’s pleasant moments, whether a family dinner, a quiet cup of tea, or a beautiful landscape.

7. You give

If you’re comfortable with your current life circumstances and your financial circumstances, I encourage you to give back. Even if you’re not in a place where you can give much financially, you might still contribute your time and energy to improve the world around you.

8. You plan

Those with Self-Wealth are planners. You can’t rely on life to just “work itself out.” Instead, it pays to plan ahead, invest, and make wise choices. Contribute to your child’s college fund. Tuck away money in a rainy-day account. These decisions will help pave the way to a more comfortable future.

To Self-Wealth!

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