I’d like to start this post off by saying two simple words: “Thank you.” I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I’ve received endless support from my […]
Saving for…what?
A few of my recent blog posts have addressed methods for tracking your spending and rethinking your emergency fund. These are both important steps toward achieving financial freedom and transitioning […]
Rethink Your Emergency Fund
Unfortunately, many people seek guidance from a financial planner when they are struck by a crisis. Maybe their home has been damaged by a storm or they just accumulated some […]
Tracking Your Spending
One of the most important things you can do to improve your personal financial habits is to track your spending. If you’re considering a financial overhaul (as I discussed in […]
Reflecting on Finances
In my last blog post, I focused on looking at restructuring your finances as an opportunity instead of a burden. This week, I’m going to discuss a very important first […]
Worried You Have To Rethink Your Financial Plan?
I talk to numerous people who are concerned about where they are headed, financially. They might have experienced a life change; or they might simply be frustrated that they’re not […]
Self-Wealth and the Enlightenment Stage
For the past few blog posts, I’ve discussed the concept of Self-Wealth and how to achieve it through financial security, purpose, and hope. But, what happens once you’ve arrived? If […]
UPDATE: To view Heidi’s interview with Fox 9 News, please click on the image below: Heidi Helmeke, author of Self-Wealth: A simple, conscious path to a comfortable financial future, will appear […]