Budget-conscious folks get anxious during the holidays. So much pressure to spend! Or entertain. Or take expensive trips. It’s a shame that all the expectations of the holiday season can […]

If you’ve read past blog posts, you know I’m a big believer in creating sustainable savings. It’s absolutely vital to build up an emergency fund, as well as invest in […]

It’s a seller’s market. If you pay any attention to the real estate industry, you’ll know that most areas in the nation are favoring home sellers, rather than buyers, at […]

As of the writing of this blog post, the stock market is on an upward trajectory. It’s been robust lately and has seen some all-time highs this year (but to […]

If you’re searching for a new job, chances are you’ve spent a lot of time on the front-end preparation. You’ve polished your résumé, researched job postings, applied and applied, attended […]

The historically low interest rates that we’ve seen for the past decade have done something unusual—and potentially dangerous—to those shopping for a home. The low rates have given people a […]

When people hear about the Federal Reserve raising interest rates, they often start to get nervous. They wonder how a rate hike might affect them, or their children. They may […]

Not much causes my heart to race like when one of my clients asks me about pulling money from their retirement fund. Even though it seems like a simple endeavor […]

Life happens. Unexpected incidents, whether good or bad, can arise at any time and put our finances to the test. Maybe your company is struggling and you get laid off. […]