When it comes to money management and investing, many of us fall into behavior patterns. We become accustomed to certain practices—certain habits—whether they’re good for us or not. Since spring […]

The old saying, “Money can’t buy happiness” is much too simplified and not necessarily true. Money is an essential component of stability, and stability does help to create happiness by […]

Today, it is more tempting than ever to spend our hard-earned dollars. We are bombarded with advertisements on social media and TV. We see influencers touting the latest gadget, outfit, […]

The concept of a side hustle has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, with more and more people seeking additional income—or pursuing their passions—outside of their main jobs. This can […]

For many people, the end of the year is a time for annual bonuses. That little bump in pay is always exciting, and it can prompt daydreams about vacations, a […]

One of Aesop’s fables features a hardworking ant and a lazy grasshopper. While the ant toils away, socking away food for the coming winter, the grasshopper sings, dances, and doesn’t […]

Do you remember the late 1990s? It wasn’t only a time of flannel shirts and jeans. It wasn’t just Beanie Babies, “Friends,” and Leonardo DiCaprio. It was also a time […]

Like many good Midwestern families, we didn’t talk much about money when I was growing up. The topic came up occasionally, but never in much depth, and certainly never in […]