Though human beings are incredibly inventive and have come up with all kinds of innovations over the centuries (or even the past ten years), they have yet to control mother […]
Leave Fads to TikTok…Not Finances
It seems that every week, there is a new fad on social media—a viral dance, a new challenge, some kind of silly trend. Most (though not all) are harmless, and […]
Welcoming Change (in the New Year)
For many people, change is scary. It represents a step into the unknown, or a departure from norms and routines. Change might make us feel uncomfortable, uncertain, frustrated, or even […]
Kindness, Finances, and the Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us, a time when we’re supposed to be filled with joy, gratitude, and a spirit of generosity. Yet for many, the holidays can be a […]
Knowing When to Hire Good Help
As a financial advisor, I often work with clients who are trying to balance their time, talents, and resources. The truth is, you can’t do it all (and if you […]
For My Clients, This is Just Another Year
Election? What election? Presidential election years are often a tense time for investors and, by extension, financial advisors. We don’t know who the new president will be or how that […]
It’s Okay to “Live Small”
If you turn on the news, pull up social media, or listen to the radio or a podcast, you’re sucked into a larger world. While this can be fun and […]
Celebrating What You Have
Part of the great American dream is to always strive for more—more money, success, personal possessions, happiness. While I appreciate this dream in some ways (ambition and motivation can certainly […]
How Your Social Circle Influences Financial Success
Sometimes it’s difficult to pinpoint what influences us. We might be persuaded to think or act a certain way due to what we view on television, what we see on […]
Is Buying a Home a Good Investment? (A Financial Advisor’s Perspective)
For decades, the American dream has involved owning a home, or maybe even two homes. It has been something to strive for, and a marker of success. However, as of […]