Unfortunately, many people seek guidance from a financial planner when they are struck by a crisis. Maybe their home has been damaged by a storm or they just accumulated some […]
Reflecting on Finances
In my last blog post, I focused on looking at restructuring your finances as an opportunity instead of a burden. This week, I’m going to discuss a very important first […]
Self-Wealth and the Enlightenment Stage
For the past few blog posts, I’ve discussed the concept of Self-Wealth and how to achieve it through financial security, purpose, and hope. But, what happens once you’ve arrived? If […]
Self-Wealth and SECURITY
Self-Wealth means having a purpose, financial security, and hope for the future. In my last blog post, I discussed purpose and how it fits into your personal Self-Wealth. Purpose is […]
What is Self-Wealth?
I get asked a lot about the title of my recent book. People want to know what, exactly, is Self-Wealth, how to achieve it, and where the concept originated. Self-Wealth […]